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Aiosumma consists of two parts: Python client for GRPC API and query library. While Python client for GRPC API is pretty plain, query library provides tools for extending queries and deriving intents through various tools

Query Library

import asyncio

from aiosumma import SummaClient

async def main():
    # Create client and connect to the endpoint
    client = SummaClient('localhost:8082')
    await client.start_and_wait()
    # Collectors are described at
    # Here we are requesting `TopDocs` collector with limit 10 that means 
    # that top-10 documents will be returned
    results = await{
        'index_alias': 'books',
        'query': {
            'boolean': {'subqueries': [
                {'occur': 'should', 'query': {'match': {'value': 'three'}}},
                {'occur': 'should', 'query': {'match': {'value': 'dogs'}}},
                {'occur': 'should', 'query': {
                    'boost': {'query': {'match': {'value': 'dog'}}, 'score': '0.65'}}
        'collectors': [{'top_docs': {'limit': 10}}]
    return results