Configuring Summa and the index

First, you should set up Summa Server and create a test index using our Quick-Start guide

Publish the index to IPFS

To publish the index, we need to change its engine to IPFS:

data_cid=$(ipfs add --pin -Q -r --hash=blake3 --nocopy data/bin/books)

The command will return the CID of the published index that you can use later for replicating or opening it through the browser. For example, you can find your index using kubo:

ipfs get <cid>

Create web-application

Firstly, you must set up an HTTP-server that may serve static content.

summa-wasm works in separate Web Worker to avoid blocking of the main thread and uses Service Worker for caching and mitigating some browser restrictions. Service Worker is an essential part of the bundle and must be shipped together with your code. summa-wasm provides a service worker register script that assumes you bundle service-worker.js file at the root of your static site.

    <script type="module" src="./node_modules/summa-wasm/dist/service-worker-register.js"></script>
    <script type="module">
        import * as Summa from "";

Now we are ready to instantiate summa-wasm

// URL of static HTTP-server (such as local nginx or CDN-hostings, or Storj, or IPFS, or whatever you want) 
// that supports `Range` queries and used to access index files
const directory_url = `http://localhost:8080/ipfs/${ipfs_hash}/`;

const worker_url = "";
const wasm_url = ""

// `remote_index_registry` is an object used to spawn threads for searching
// `setup` initializes WASM-module and pool of Web Workers.
const remote_index_registry = new Summa.RemoteIndexRegistry(worker_url, wasm_url);
// Wait until workers will be set up
await remote_index_registry.init_guard;

At this point, we have a working Summa inside your browser. Let’s attach some network index to the remote_index_registy.

// `remote_engine_config` is a configuration object used for telling Summa
// how to reach remote index
const remote_engine_config = {
    method: "GET",
    url_template: `{file_name}`,
    headers_template: new Map([["range", "bytes={start}-{end}"]]),

// Adding index to the worker makes it searchable.
await remote_index_registry.add(remote_engine_config, "test_index");

summa-wasm will use this config for translating search engine’s requests to files into network requests. Then, when you will do a search:

// All types of queries are supported
const search_request = {
    index_alias: "test_index",
    query: {query: {match: {value: "Game of Thrones"}}},
    collectors: [{collector: {top_docs: {limit: 5}}}],
const response = await;

summa-wasm will emit a pack of network requests for receiving only needed parts of the search index.

A search engine packed in WASM allows you to create semi-dynamic websites on static hosting or CDNs. Given the well-developed infrastructure of CDN providers across the globe that can be used, it is possible to bypass many barriers that may be built by censors.

Working example

We have developed a working example that mirrors news agency feed to IPFS. Live example is available at ipns:// Sources are committed to GitHub with a guide how to build it.