Collectors are responsible for processing the stream of documents that matched the query. Every collector ingests this stream and derives output based on what it ingests. Simple collectors such as Count just count the documents in the stream, while other collectors like TopDocs maintain a bounded set of documents having the highest scores to return them to the user. The main goal of every collector is reducing the amount of data that should be returned to the requestor. Though collectors look through the whole set of matched documents, they limit the output in various ways.


Default Scoring

Plain BM25 with limit anf offset (can be omitted)

  "top_docs": {
    "limit": 10, 
    "offset": 200,
    "fields": []

Order By

Top documents order by FastField

  "top_docs": {
    "limit": 10,
    "scorer": {
      "order_by": "popularity_score"

Eval Expression

Top documents order by EvalExpr

  "top_docs": {
    "limit": 10, 
    "scorer": {
      "eval_expr": "original_score * log(e(), 1 + popularity_score)"


Facet search on facet field

  "facet": {
    "field": "category",
    "facets": ["/genre/fiction", "/topic/biology"]


Counts the number of documents exactly and returns it

{"count": {}}


Select limit random items corresponding to the query and returns them

{"reservoir": {"limit": 10}}


Returns an aggregation

{"aggregation": {"aggregations": {"year_stats": {"metric": {"stats": {"field": "issued_at"}}}}}}